Swedish Stockings

Swedish Stockings produce beautiful tights and socks from recycled and natural materials.With two billion pairs of nylon tights produced ever year from an environmentally harmful petroleum-based manufacturing process, and often worn just a few times before being discarded, Swedish Stockings sought to bring a more environmentally conscious option to the hosiery market. Made in Europe, factories are carefully handpicked by founders Nadja and Linn. Tights are made using pre and post consumer waste materials from nylon industries, whilst production is is a lot less harmful to the environment than traditional nylon production thanks to environmentally friendly dyes, a post-dyeing water treatment and solar power.

Swedish Stockings also have a recycling club where you can send your old synthetic tights in for a 10% discount code - they’ll be ground down and made (sadly not into new tights as the technology isn’t available commercially yet) into fibreglass.


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